Introduction to NFT

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a non-fungible asset that is unique and cannot be split. NFT can be connected to real-world objects. NFT provides the owner of the native digital assets (assets only exist in or originate from the digital world) with proof of ownership, which can live outside of a centralized server or repository.

In Economics, fungible assets refer to assets such as currencies, stocks, bonds and precious metals. Fungible assets are divisible and interchangeable. Assets of the same nominal value and attributes can be considered the same. In this sense, they are more of a symbol and assets themselves don't carry much value. Non-fungible assets, such as houses, cars, furniture, artwork, data assets and the vast majority of other assets, are neither divisible nor interchangeable. It's rather obvious that most assets in the real world are non-fungible, such as artwork, video game items and IDs.

NFT can be used to map assets on-chain and is also a unique digital collectible itself. Currently, most NFT projects are for digital collectibles, video game assets and virtual worlds, with well-established ecosystems and trading platforms. Token minting and trading platforms allow you to easily create NFT tokens, view NFT contracts and trade NFTs.

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